The enabler strikes again

This is all that is left of my Monday snack. An empty, flattened box of Skittles Xtreme fruit bubble gum. Who knew Skittles made bubble gum?
Anyway, the enabler brought it to me. The enabling started about two years ago. Cast your mind back . . .
He brought in a twinkie the he had purchased for his two daughters, 10 and 13 years old. They were at the grocery store and the 10-year-old saw twinkies and said something like “Oh my god, I didn’t know twinkies were actually a real thing!” Then began the “please Dad, please!” and the enabler caved.
When they got home from the store, they tore the box open, unwrapped a twinkie, ate one bite and said “gross.” Now the enabler had a box of twinkies and no one very interested in eating them. So he brought one to work.
At first I thought I probably wouldn’t eat it. I don’t remember ever really eating twinkies, much less liking them. But it was sitting on my desk, and I was kind of curious, and the next thing you know, it was gone.
I finished that box of twinkies. And became the last resort for all the candy that the enabler’s daughters rejected. Sour patch kids, “cheap” chocolate, probably those peach chews I told you about. It all ended up with me.
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