I love candy. I love it. And I love chocolate, and cookies, and cake, and ice cream. But more than anything else, I love doughnuts. This page is dedicated to all the enablers I know, who fill my life with doughnuts and other sweet, gooey, goodies.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's beautiful....

I love NPR.

Isn't this amazing?

And thank you, Jac, for sending it to me.

Civic Duty

I'd be pissed, too.


Thanks, Blair, for sending me this. Twenty times. Or whatever.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mmmmmm, doughnuts


I'm disappointed in Atlanta. I mean, sure, we have lots of Krispy Kremes and Dunkin Donuts. But there are so few other options for doughnuts in this city. Anyway, thank you Jessica for sending me this link. It makes me want to visit all of these places. Even Texas. Because I, too, am a fanatic of all things doughnut.