I love candy. I love it. And I love chocolate, and cookies, and cake, and ice cream. But more than anything else, I love doughnuts. This page is dedicated to all the enablers I know, who fill my life with doughnuts and other sweet, gooey, goodies.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Maxine made a fruit cake. This is my junk food soulmate, but I'm not sure we see eye to eye on this. Sure, I've never tried fruit cake. But that's the point of fruit cake, isn't it? No one ever actually eats it? It sits on a shelf long past Christmas, into the next year's holiday season, looking a strange brownish color that you might expect from something older than my grandmother, but with weird flecks of red and green. Then you save up enough to use as bricks when you build your biodegradeable, edible house. And one day, we'll all live in fruit cake houses, because where else will all the fruit cakes go?

So, I need to know. Who out there has actually eaten fruit cake?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Another birthday

This was truly a masterpiece. Jessica and Maxine, you guys are artists....

Doughnuts for all primates


I don't know what kind of doughnuts they're using, but if I were that orangutan, I'd hold out for chocolate frosted with sprinkles from Krispy Kreme. I'm just sayin....