Bad news
This is horrible. I'm deeply saddened. I am, frankly, speechless.
I love candy. I love it. And I love chocolate, and cookies, and cake, and ice cream. But more than anything else, I love doughnuts. This page is dedicated to all the enablers I know, who fill my life with doughnuts and other sweet, gooey, goodies.
I have my last class of the semester tonight, and my professor has said she'll bring us doughnuts. Actually, that's almost inaccurate. She said she'd bring us HOT KRISPY KREME doughnuts. I can't believe I was so careless. Anyway, she's bringing doughnuts.
This is something of a recurring post on my blog. I like to tell the world when I eat junk food for breakfast. Especially cake.
I've been thinking. I'm going to give IHOP a run for its money. I'm going to open the first of what is sure to be a sweeping, multinational chain of eating establishments.
There's nothing I love more than combining my sugar habit with my political leanings.
My most sincere apologies for failing to post this earlier.