I love candy. I love it. And I love chocolate, and cookies, and cake, and ice cream. But more than anything else, I love doughnuts. This page is dedicated to all the enablers I know, who fill my life with doughnuts and other sweet, gooey, goodies.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Ahhhh, Halloween. That special holiday that all candy addicts and sugar freaks secretly anticipate year-round. I did nothing special for Halloween this year. I went shoe-shopping (to return the shoes that I bought and immediately regretted having bought in Knoxville). I bought another pair of shoes and decided this morning that they, too, must be returned. I have absolutely no idea why or how a person can spend so much time thinking about shoes, but I do.

When I got home, I wanted to watch a scary movie. It was actually hard to watch tv last night without watching something scary. But my girlfriend refused and we ended up watching some gay dating advice show where a really cute lesbian was told that women don’t respond well to hilarious but unsexy pick-up lines. If I’m ever single again, someone remind me of this.

But I called my mom and my brother to reminisce on Halloweens past. My brother and I must have gone trick-or-treating for hours each year, considering the amount of candy we scored. We'd load up in the station wagon and hit the "good neighborhoods," the ones with lots of houses and history of good candy. When we got home from our trick-or-treating marathon, we would put all of our candy in a pillow case (yes – it was that much). Then we’d go to the living room, spread it all out across the floor, and trade with each other for pieces we liked better.

I always liked the chocolate candy best. My brother wasn’t too interested in actually eating candy, but he loved to have something to torment me with. His pillow case still full of candy in late December definitely did the trick. This was during the height of the razor-blade-in-the-apple scare, so fruit was inherently suspect. We always looked on with suspicion when someone tried to pass an apple off as a “treat.” But the real insult for kids was to get a travel toothbrush and tube of toothpaste (I'm not kidding, some dental hygienists with a terrible sense of humor or overly strict parents of three actually did this to me when I was a kid). How dare people ruin our holiday with their sense of dental hygiene?!

So last night, I did get a bag of candy. Just in case, I told myself, even though we’ve lived in our neighborhood for three years and have never gotten a single trick-or-treater. Take 5 – a delicious treat that my friend Rachel introduced me to. It’s a crazy candy bar actually, with pretzel, peanut butter, caramel, and chocolate. Wait . . . it seems like I'm forgetting something. But there’s still some left.

This is my way of giving myself a pat on the back.


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