The season - Part I
*** Warning *** This post has little to do with junk food. But ‘tis the season.
My friend Rachel gave me a ride home from school last night, and we somehow stumbled upon the “Christmas conversation.” I hate Christmas. It’s true. I don’t like buying presents, I don’t like getting presents, I hate the anticipation of having the whole family together, and frankly, the food isn’t that great. I really really do not like Christmas.
I searched my soul last night, trying to find some redeeming qualities. Here they are. For one, I work in a big office building, and the building management provides breakfast one morning in December for all the tenants. Yes, I get excited about free breakfast. This made Rachel laugh hysterically. Second, I usually go to lunch one day with the eight other people in my office. It’s nice working in a small office, because we can do things like that. So we go to lunch, drink wine, eat good food, and talk politics and ridiculous things like that. That’s it. That’s my whole list.
“Don’t you like seeing your wife opening a gift you know she’ll love?” Rachel asked. Heather and I are terrible with secrets. She already knows what I’m getting her for her birthday in February. Plus, she doesn’t hide things well. Last year I found half of my presents in her closet sometime around Thanksgiving. On accident. “Don’t you like the Christmas tree and decorations?” We’ve never had a

Finally, Rachel gave in. “Don’t you at least like Thanksgiving?” Ummm……